11 Kitchen Gadgets I could Never Live Without

My kitchen and I had some serious bonding time this week.

Want to know why!? Of course you do. I’m writing a 30-recipe eBook of healthy eats which will be available in March. The release date will coincide with a nutrition, movement, and mindfulness challenge I’m cooking up for the TL Method—which I would love to have you join.

Writing, cooking, and photographing 30 recipes is a ton of work. I did not, shall we say, “request off work,” to create it (even though I’m my own boss). I blocked-off as much time as I could afford in my already eyesore of a Google Calendar, trying to make the process as streamlined as possible.

I Cook Meals the Way I Design Workouts: Efficiently.

I prefer HIIT training to jogging on the treadmill because I get more done in a shorter amount of time, and I meal prep like a boss so I can serve healthy meals faster than a drive-thru window.

—But I can’t take all the credit. My kitchen cupboards come fully stocked with gadgets, appliances, and storage containers that save me a few precious minutes throughout the week.


So if you constantly find yourself saying, “Healthy eating is so hard” or “I don’t have time to cook,” maybe you just don’t have enough tools in your toolkit. The following items serve as mini lifesavers on a weekly basis, so I want to share them with you.
And for the record, you should ALWAYS make time to put your health first. Remember that.

Gadgets, Gizmos, and Storage Containers that Save My Butt in the Kitchen

Every item on this list allows me to either make things in bulk, sprint out the door in the AM, or speed up the prep process so I can get on with my day.


  • Vitamix: This is the most expensive item on this list, yet I PROMISE YOU I get my money’s worth. Most mornings, I have a smoothie before running off to the gym, thanks entirely to this guy (spoiler: I have two smoothies in my new book).

  • Waffle Maker: Not going to lie, I love my waffle maker so much I just bought a second (it’s a mini!). Before you write this one off as a “nice to have,” let me explain how I work it into my meal prep. I make a BIG batch of waffle mix on Sunday, then simply pour it into the maker throughout the week—boom, two-minute waffles (and yes, it’s also in the book).

  • Air Fryer: Crispy things just taste better, hence why we all love our bar food. I’ll make crispy Brussels sprouts, crispy tofu (another meal prep staple), and hell, even homemade french fries. With the air fryer, two things get cut in half: the amount of oil used and the time it takes to cook.

  • Instant-Pot: Like the air fryer, an Instant-Pot cooks food in half the time. I love making large-batch dinners like curries and chilis, then eating the leftovers throughout the week.

  • Egg Cooker: Do I know I could just boil them in water? Yes. But this is still one of my favorite gadgets. It allows me to boil half a dozen eggs perfectly, and is the easiest thing to use.


Storage Containers

  • Glass containers: Beyond the BPA discussion, these are easier to wash, last longer, and are more durable than plastic. Unless you drop them.

  • Reusable produce bags: Do you ever get a little buyer guilt when you look into your shopping cart and see half a dozen plastic bags? These are lasting, durable, and Mother Earth thanks you for using them.

  • Totes / Reusable grocery bags: If you’re making meals from scratch, your bags are going to be extra heavy. Use these to make sure they don’t rip.

  • Mason jars: I eat 80% of my breakfasts from a mason jar, whether it be a pre-workout smoothie or my overnight oats.

  • Reusable Ziploc baggies: Each Sunday, I set aside an hour to chop-up veggies to use in smoothies and buddha bowls. Storing them in these bags makes the process incredibly easy.

  • Ice cube tray: If you think I’m over-selling my meal prep game, know this: I prep my iced coffee. Simply freeze freshly-made coffee to be used throughout the week. I also freeze mashed-up avocado to use in smoothies.

  • Reusable straws: By now, social media informed you of the big impact from this one small thing, so I will refrain.

Brands I trust to do the meal-prep for me

While I applaud those of you who make your own almond milk, I just can’t find an hour to squeeze nuts through a cheesecloth. I don’t make every.last.ingredient. from scratch, choosing instead to keep these items stocked in my fridge at all times:

  • Siete tortilla chips

  • Blue Diamond unsweetened almond milk

  • Sabre hummus

  • Bob’s Red Mill oats

  • Justin’s peanut butter cups and almond butter

  • Sprouts’ brand salad dressings

I also buy a TON of items in bulk, including yeast, beans, quinoa, chia seeds, flax seeds, all nuts, and rice.

When it comes to eating healthy, you don’t have to do everything on your own

Many people avoid implementing simple, positive changes because someone on Instagram made it look like too much work. It doesn’t have to be this way.

I cut corners in the kitchen where I can, and I’m proud of that. Appliances like the Instant-Pot and air fryer let me multitask while my food cooks, mason jars and ice cube trays let me meal prep like a pro, and killer brands like Siete and Bobs Red Mill save me tons of time.

What kitchen gadgets can you not live without? What items do you always keep stocked in the fridge? Let us know in the comments!