Five Things You Need to Start Your Fitness Journey

I'm an honest person. Some people would say I'm a little blunt. But when it comes to your fitness journey, there's just no beating around the bush. 

I'm not going to tell you it’s easy. I'm not going to tell you it’s going to be fun all the time or that it’s all rainbows and butterflies. It will be tough, especially as a newbie. And the changes you’re potentially seeking by embarking on this journey will definitely not be immediate. 

I’m not going to give you a magic fix or promote a pill.

What I can promise is that it will be worth it.

Increased activity and strength training have innumerable benefits on both our physical and mental health. Prepare yourself for increased energy, a clearer mind, and a healthier heart.
I want to give you five of my best tips for beginners on their fitness journeys. And even if you aren't new to fitness, maybe this can serve as a little refresher as to why you’re still on it.


Find your why. Everyone has a reason why they start something new. It doesn't matter what that reason is, and it can change a bunch over time. But you have to have a why to keep going. And if you're like, I know I need to but I have no idea why, here is a great exercise for you.


Determine your goals. And maybe this is a huge part of your why, but finding out your goals before you start can be a really great idea so that you can work backwards. You will be more effective and focused in the day-to-day when you know where you’re going.

If you need some help, you can read my blog that I wrote about how to set SMART goals here.


START SMALL. Really, this should be at the top. I cannot yell this loud enough. The faster you go, the less sustainable it will be and the more likely you will not be able to stick with it. 

If you are brand new, you should not start out with 3-4 workouts a week. Make an effort to walk more, drink more water, look at your day in a meaningful way.


Hold yourself accountable OR hire someone to do that for you (shameless plug that I do offer one-on-one training here). Sure, anyone can do this alone, but it is way easier to do it together. Some other ways can be: join a beginner program, bring a friend or family member (one that will actually do the thing), put an appointment in your calendar, schedule walks in your day, etc.

For more info, I wrote a blog here about the four benefits of a training program.

Bottomline is that you want to find the people who will lift you up when you are struggling to lift up yourself, and the cool part is that you may not even know them yet.


Celebrate everything. Like, EEVERYYYTHIIING. You are here. That’s a win. You want to start. That’s a win. You are ready to make yourself a priority. Win. All wins add up. It does not matter how big or small they are. Fun fact is that I still love gold stars and a traditional calendar. 

That’s a wrap on the top five things you need to start your fitness journey, my friend.

And for the record, fitness isn’t only about aesthetics. In fact, I’d argue that’s the least interesting part about it (I wrote about this topic in my blog here).

Don’t forget that if you are ever looking for an accountability group, you can join the TL Method for seven days for FREE.

And, remember, you are here. That’s a win!